Gin & Vodka & Rhum

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Japanese gins, vodkas and rums are brilliant examples of the local talent for distillation: fresh, elegant… Discover our selection!

The benefits of globalisation

Did you know? Japanese gin predates Japanese whisky. It all began around 1800, when an “inspector” in charge of detecting administrative problems in the public services of the city of Nagasaki became annoyed when he couldn’t find his favourite gin in the local shops. The drink had been introduced to the city by its inventors, the Dutch (not the English!). At the time, only the Dutch East India Company had been authorised by the Shogun to trade with Japan… And only via Nagasaki, in the very south of the country.

The benefits of nature

However, the ‘ginophile’ inspector decided to distil his own gin. His name was Shige Dennoshin. Although the discipline is currently enjoying a renaissance, the Japanese have never stopped distilling their own gin. However, the majority of producers have remained in the south of Japan, where nature is overflowing with aromatic plants and fragrant fruits: juniper berries, the main ingredient in gin, as well as a large number of Japanese citrus fruits, wasabi, cypress, etc.

Elegance above all

The result of this long history and myriad botanical possibilities is that Japanese gins are very diverse, elegant, complex and often flawless. But the Japanese are also renowned for their vodkas. While Europeans make their vodkas from potatoes, wheat or rye, the Japanese like to use rice or corn and (as always) take advantage of the great sweetness of their waters.

Production is still limited, but the existing vintages are making a name for themselves with their pleasant texture and deep aromas… to the point where they sometimes remind you of sake (only a little stronger).