Japanese Rice “Tsuyahime”

Producteur : Global Eye

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SKU: A005 Categories: ,


Tsuyahime rice has its roots in the history of a legendary rice variety, Kameno-o, created and cultivated by a self-taught farmer named Kameji Abe at the end of the 19th century. The Tsuyahime variety has genes from this mythical rice, as does the Koshihikari variety with which it competes and which is considered the king of Japanese rices.

Tsuyahime grains are uniform and pleasing to the eye, with little variation in size. Their whiteness and purity make them delicious little jewels. The Japanese Grain Inspection Association (Kokken) has classified this rice as “Special A”, the highest grade.

The Yamagata Prefectural Government oversees the cultivation of this regionally emblematic rice. Farmers licensed to grow Tsuyahime are carefully selected. Chemicals and fertilizers are prohibited. What’s more, the water that irrigates the rice fields comes from the country’s largest primary beech forest, which provides the essential nutrients for the rice to grow.

All of these factors, combined with a commitment to harvesting the best grain possible, make Tsuyahime an exceptional rice. It is available in 500g bags.

How to use:

Tsuyahime rice should be eaten plain to appreciate all its flavor qualities and is also suitable for traditional sushi, maki, onigiri and other dishes. It is also an excellent accompaniment to sauces, gyudon and stir-fried vegetables.

To prepare, rinse and place in a pressure cooker with 1.2 parts water to one part rice. Allow 75g of dry rice for one person.


Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from light.


Polished Tsuyahime rice.

Shelf life:

3 years.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Net weight