Liquid Shio Koji

Producteur : Hanamaruki


SKU: O005 Categories: , Tag:


This half-liter plastic bottle contains a beautiful golden liquid version of Shio Koji, Japan’s famous natural flavor enhancer made from fermented rice and salt. This magical condiment adds surprising depth to savory recipes and sauces of all kinds. Unpasteurized, it’s easier to use and lasts longer than the mash it’s usually found in. Definitely a must-have

This Shio Koji was developed by Hanamaruki, which has been producing various ingredients essential to Japanese cuisine, such as miso and its variations, for over a century. Located in Tatsuno, Nagano Prefecture (Central Japan), Hanamaruki works with what the region has to offer in terms of natural products to preserve the island’s most authentic flavors.


Shio Koji is ideal for marinades, as it imparts a delicious umami flavor to almost any meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable, tenderizing it in the process (count one dose of Shio Koji for nine doses of food). It also works well in sauces or jellies, or to intensify a soy sauce that has been opened for some time.


Plastic bottle, store at room temperature and refrigerate after opening.


Rice (46.2%), Water (38.5%), Salt (12%), Ethyl alcohol (3.3%).

Shelf life:

18 months

Additional information

Weight 0.630 kg
Net weight